I'm going to sound like a lot of authors that I have read as I continue to study my Path...keep a journal on everything mundane and magical in your life.
The reason that I am bringing this up is because it is a lesson that I need to learn myself. I am getting better about it, but it is a work in progress.
You know how it goes... Did I use the gold candle for the good prosperity spell or the green? Did I call on Bacchus or Pan before the last kegger that went so well? Was it the sandalwood incense or the rose oil that helped me really relax during that awesome meditation three weeks ago?
Even our mundane world needs the attention... Who had the last play date at their house? Is it my turn to bring the snacks for the class party? Hey, honey, when did we buy the dish washer, I need to check if the warranty is still good?
I've gotten to where I keep a steno (I love stenos) in my purse, two in my bedroom, and one in the living room. Plus there are also my BOS, my BOB (Book of Blue, for my tarot and dream working), and my BOG (my Book of Green, where I started collecting info on plants). I take notes on all the books that I've read. I'm sinking into magical journal over load!
I write too much on the magical and forget about the mundane. Literally forget. I have to ask my husband for which date certain situations happen. Who said what to whom about that thing-a-ma-bob. He's become my personal diary, the poor guy!
Yes journaling is very important, but too much can be a mess.
My BOS, BOB, and BOG each have to much information that I don't use or I can find easily in one of my books. I need to go through my BOS and my BOG and gather all my plethora of notes and cull out what I don't or won't use, and simplify what I do or will use into a system that I can readily understand. Yes it should be neat and orderly, and I should find what I need, when I need, easily. And it should all fit into one BOS. My BOB I will keep separate or it will jumble my BOS.
I should keep a calendar near my so-called office space that has all my mundane and magical dates clearly marked. I should also use the calender on my cell more often with the same dates marked with alarms set to remind me to get supplies or any extra planning or rescheduling that may be needed.
I would still keep a steno in purse for notes or whenever the Muses touch me, plus I can make notes about when certain mundane things happen and jot them on the calender when I get home.
Keeping a steno on my bedside table would work fine for journaling. It would also be a lot easier to get into the habit of journaling daily just before I go to sleep. It would allow me to keep track of the magical and mundane parts of my life in one spot, and help me analyze my dreams the next morning.
I would have to keep a steno in my living room though, since it's usually when I least expect it that I get ideas on spells, invocations, and such. If I don't write them down asap, I will forget them. Or I could make recycled notepads! CharmingPixieFlora has a wonderful video on this!
I do include the date, time, weather, and moon phase when I do randomly journal or just jotting ideas down.
I realize that journaling is very important to anyone's life. It's just finding that comfort level and not letting it get overwhelming or under used. Organizing my life in writting, will help me to organize my life and how I live in it.
Blessings and Love.
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