Having my own blog gives me license to decide what subjects I will or will not include in my forum. Because it's mine! All mine! Mwahahaha! :-)
Seriously though, there have been several big stories involving the Pagan community that I haven't touched on. This blog is about putting my thoughts, opinions, ideas, words out there. A way for me to voice myself and I haven't really done that.
When I first decided to start this blog, I meant for it to strictly be a Witchcraft 101 type blog. There was a long hiatus when I didn't go near the net shortly after, then I was plugged back into the web and "found" my blog again. There have been several quiet times since and I realize that my fears manifested into blocks of one kind or another that kept me from writing and vlogging.
Like many new bloggers, I found myself in a panic. "No one is reading! How do I 'lure' people in? Do I seem like an idiot? I'm no expert! What do I think I'm doing? Aaaahhhhh!" (Darn Ego!) I let my insecurities and fears get the better of me, thus the absences.
I realize now that I just need to do it. To write. Not having internet or not having a working computer are just excuses for letting the fear (and ego) take control. Libraries have computers that can be used. The phone I have now let's me blog. Heck, if it came down to it, I could go to a friend's house and use their computer.
If I don't have absolutely anyway to blog, then paper and pen/marker/pencil will do. It really isn't just about the blog it's about the writing. It isn't just about the readers, its about voicing/finding myself in my words.
As the writer/creator I find myself in a bit of a pickle. Where do I take this blog?
Like I mentioned above, I originally meant this to be a Witchcraft 101 blog. To "teach so that I may learn." I realize that it is becoming a whole lot more. It is becoming more and more of a very public (if sporadic) journal.
It is a forum to learn to express myself succinctly. To overcome my fear of rejection and stage fright. To share myself and my story with whomever wants to know.
It's about sharing my authentic life as a woman coming to grips with herself, her past, present and future. It's about how a real person deals with finding harmony within her myriad roles as mother, wife, witch and woman. It's about overcoming my fears and living a real life.
Mostly it is about sharing, healing, teaching, and hopefully helping others see that life isn't all cakes and roses. This is my real life. How I deal with it. How my chosen faith helps me cope.
Just a small warning, if you haven't noticed I ramble and I never know which way my posts will go!
Witchiness 101 will still be part of my blog, but it won't be the whole story.
It's about sharing as I change.
This is my blog.
My personal, yet public journal.
This is My Story.
To be successful at concurring your fears, you just need to go out and do. Face your fears, face yourself.
If you fall, ok.
Get up, dust yourself off and do it again.
Take a risk.
Take a chance.
Live your authentic life.
You may be surprised at which way your life can go!
Blessings and Love,