Stoke the Fires

Merry Meet and Welcome to my Hearth!

Pull up a stool as I stir my Cauldron and let us trade little tid-bits of information on spells, potions, brews, and the real every day life of Woman, Witch, Mother, and Wife.

Merry we meet, merry we part, and may we merry meet again with Many Blessings and Much Love to All!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

He Walks into Manhood

My oldest will be turning 16 in a few short days.

How the time flies!

I've been thinking on this alot. He is becoming the man that I know he can be, but there is still so much of the innocent young boy in him as well. I watch him with his friends and remember what it was like to watch him when he could barely crawl on the floor. I hear him talk and laugh and recall the first girggles and his first word.

He has gotten so big and so strong. Football has done him a world of good. It has built up his muscles and his self-confidence. He has found some good friends and kept some great friends along the way. 

It is so hard to type this out with all the tears falling from my eyes.

Letting go of your child's hand, knowing that he is fast approaching the time when he will walk into the world and you hope and pray that you have taught him all that he will need to know and thrive.

I am so proud of him and so scared for him.

We've got a couple of years left to work on a few more things, but I know that he will be the kind of man that any woman will be proud to walk next to. I know that he will make someone a good partner some day, hopefully not too soon.

I do want him to live a life. To experience life. To taste life. To enjoy life.

He will make mistakes along the way, and just like when he was young, I'll be there for him no matter what.

It's hard for a mother to let a child go...grow, but it is a part of life and he is part of my legacy to the world. He will do great things in his life. He may not become president of the US (but then again...) but he will accomplish something great, even if it is as simple as making someone else happy.

He has such a protective heart. He stood up to man, when he was just a child, to protect his mother. Not enough men will do that in this world.

With great pride I will watch him, from a distance, as he walks off to face what life has to give him. With courage, strength and fortitude he will step into manhood to forge his own Path in this life.

My little boy will soon be a man!

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