Stoke the Fires

Merry Meet and Welcome to my Hearth!

Pull up a stool as I stir my Cauldron and let us trade little tid-bits of information on spells, potions, brews, and the real every day life of Woman, Witch, Mother, and Wife.

Merry we meet, merry we part, and may we merry meet again with Many Blessings and Much Love to All!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Lesson Learned!

I was organizing my few witchy supplies yesterday when I came across a small bag that I had forgotten about. Of course it would be at the very back of a high shelf. A simple little plastic bag with a reddish-brownish powder in it. It was simply labeled "banishing" in marker on the bag.

I opened it up and it still smells so good! I could almost see the spell that I cast and I remember that the powder worked very, very, very well! I hunted through my BOS, but I couldn't find the recipe nor the spell!

It was maybe four years ago that I made it. It still smells great and it is still "alive". Being as old as it possibly is, I was very surprised to feel the energies that were still coming off the powder, and it is really bugging me that I can't remember what is in it!

So I transferred the powder into a small glass jar and labeled it "My Banishing Powder". I don't want to get rid of it, besides I was meant to find this! (Makes me wonder what is about to happen or what is going on that I cannot "see"?)

I have cleaned out my BOS since and I am wondering if I possibly threw the recipe away, if I simply didn't write it down or if it's in my "to go through" box. It is really, really bugging me.

I learned a lesson...Keep Records!

No matter how much of a hurry you may be in...Keep Notes!

Any time you do a spell or ritual, especially if you do one off the top of your head...Make Notes!

Record what you are doing in some form or another. Be "old fashioned" by writing notes or use technology to record yourself on video or even just an audio recording. Which ever method you use, be sure to explain (with as much detail as possible) what you are using, saying, doing and why.

Keep your magickal records as neat and orderly as possible. Be sure to place them in a secure place and that they are clearly labeled. Even if all you have is a pile of ragged notes in a shoebox, try to arrange them in some order and label them.

Keep notes, records, videos, recordings and keep them organized!

Well I am off to organize my "to go through" box!

Blessings and Love

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