According to the The Meaning of Our Moon post in the Magickal Winds Articles blog, November's Full Moon is for "Plan for a ritual to work on ridding yourself of negative thoughts and vibrations."
Very fitting for what I have planned today! But first a simple explanation of what I will be doing.
Active meditation--When I clean house is when I meditate. I have a difficult time sitting quietly for extended periods of time and getting my mind to let go, yet when I clean (especially when I wash dishes by hand) my mind very easily slips into that meditative mode. But, I will be meditating with a purpose before a spell/ritual. I will focus my mind on my goal and allow myself to be guided on what items are needed and what should be done for my planned spell/ritual, this also helps to get me into the correct mindset.
Next the cleansing--Being a Full Moon, I want to tap into the energies that Mama Moon is graciously willing to bless us with. I will be clearing and cleansing my whole house first. How to cleanse is varied. I explained one of the ways that I do cleansings in a video on YouTube. Find that works for you. Once again, if there isn't enough time a quick cleansing will work.
Double check--And triple check too! Please take the time to do this step! Stopping in the middle of a spell or ritual to go and grab the whatever you forgot can interrupt the flow of energies and prevent the spell/ritual from reaching it's full potential. Workings can and will go badly if your concentration is interrupted!
Cleansing and preparing self--If time allows take a shower or bath with the purpose of cleaning and cleansing yourself of negative energies. For a quick cleansing: ground and center yourself, feel any negativity leaving you and going down into the Earth to be transformed into loving energy, ground and center again. Dressing up (or down) is an option. I usually just wear my everyday clothes since that is what is comfortable to me, but I do make sure that I am presentable and that my hair and teeth are brushed.
Making magick--Whether to do a full blown scripted ritual, complete with workings or to do a simple ceremony or even just a spell or two? The answer is up to you and depends on how much time you have available and how you're feeling. No matter the platform you choose to work in, the important thing to remember is that you relax and enjoy the moment. Mistakes are ok and laughter is permitted. Enjoy this blissful moment of communing with Diety.
Afterwards--Relax and breathe! Take a few moments to clean up, put away, dispose of anything, take offerings outside. Then sit and relax with a light snack of carbs and a glass of water to help ground and recharge you, and take notes on the spell/ritual. Do an activity is soothing to the mind (ex: take a walk, read a book, have a glass of wine, watch a comedy, etc), something that will gently bring you back to the everyday world.
That's the simplest way to explain what I do. It can get as elaborate or simple as you want it to be, just keep in mind how much time you have and how you feel.
Time is ticking away, so I will go and practice what I just "preached"!
Have a wonderful Esbat, however you celebrate it!
Blessings and Love
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