Stoke the Fires

Merry Meet and Welcome to my Hearth!

Pull up a stool as I stir my Cauldron and let us trade little tid-bits of information on spells, potions, brews, and the real every day life of Woman, Witch, Mother, and Wife.

Merry we meet, merry we part, and may we merry meet again with Many Blessings and Much Love to All!

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

I Remember

He turns twelve today. An official pre-teen. The years have flown by so quickly. I can still remember that very first time that I held him. 

It was the scariest few seconds of my life.

I had been in labor for days. "Something wasn't right," my instincts screamed as we headed to the hospital...again.

I was admitted this time. In my own room, finally, they had hooked me up to the monitors. I didn't like the sound of my baby's heartbeat.

The doctors face told me that he didn't either, but he was kind enough to try to put on a good front. No good doctor wants to scare a pregnant woman.

They had to induce me. Nothing happened.

Hours later I still hadn't dilated enough. Baby's heartbeat was getting worse. The doctor himself took a look to see how we were doing. He looked  at me very worriedly. "There is a tear in the placenta lining, but the baby's head is blocking it. That's why your water hasn't broken. If we can't get it to break we'll have to do a C-section."
They eventually had to tear the lining just above the baby's head. My water broke and the pain began.

He came soon after...

...but he wasn't crying...

They put him on some sort of warming table. The nurses and the pediatrician were cleaning him off. I watched and listened.

Fear gripped me tighter and tighter as the seconds passed...

One small plaintive cry came from the tiny little bundle! Followed by another!

They placed him on my stomach for only a brief moment.

He looked beautiful! Every finger and toe just as they should be, but....

"Ma'am, I'm sorry but we have to take him now. He isn't breathing like he should," the pediatrician stated matter of factly.

"I know. Do what you have to. Help him."  Gods I was so weak.

I looked at my then-husband. "Follow him. I'll be alright. Watch him for me."

He shook his head yes and followed the nurses and pediatrician out the door. My heart went too as I stayed on the bed as the gynecologist cleaned and sewed me up.

As soon as I could stand I was up and walking to the pediatric area. My heart skipped a beat when I saw the oxygen tube in his little nose and IVs in both his arms. The nurse that was working on him told me that the doctor was on the phone at that moment calling the children's hospital in Boise. They were going to have to send him there due to a sever breathing complications. It was one of the best NICUs in the area.

I nodded. I couldn't talk. I cried silently . I couldn't hold his little hand, because of the tubes, so I held his tiny foot instead. I stood there saying silent prayers to all the gods.

The e.m.t.s came quickly with a special incubator. I kissed my son on top of his head and got out of the way. I watched as the e.m.t.s worked diligently but carefully. I cried as I watched them wheeled my son away down the long corridor.

My doctor came out of the nurses station at that moment with release papers for me to sign so that I could follow my son to the children's hospital.

I followed.

A one hour drive. Just hours after giving birth. I followed.

Seeing him in the NICU almost had me on the floor. They had put several more tubes into his arms. They had to remove his umbilical cord in order to put a tube into the artery that was there. It was easier for him that way so that they could draw blood and get medications into him without having to poke him constantly. He had the oxygen tube in his nose and monitors attached to him. It was a scene straight out of a science fiction movie.

For eight days I begged friends for rides. I borrowed money for gas to drive to Boise. I called the children's hospital every few hours when I wasn't there. I had two toddlers at home. I couldn't stay at the hospital as much as I would have liked. I saw him every day for at least a couple of hours. I only missed one day and it broke my heart.

On the ninth day he came home.  There had been a few close calls and they had so many tubes connected to him. It was a very scary experience.

To this day he has asthma, but he is otherwise healthy. I am grateful for every day that I get to hear him say, "I love you, mom."

Every year on this day I relive those nine days and all the fear, panic, helplessness that I felt then.

I am very grateful to have him in my life and I wish him Many Blessings and Much Love on this special day!


Monday, December 05, 2011

Life Is Too Short

There was a truck vs car wreck at my work yesterday. I did not witness the actual accident itself, but I did see the emergency crews do what they do best, keeping order and saving lives.

I watched the watchers. I watched what could have been a tragedy unfold and just how quickly it became a spectator sport. The people that filled up my parking lot to gawk at the accident, take pictures and sometimes get in the way. I wanted to scream at the watchers to either help or get lost.

The ones that touched my heart were the men that ran to help as soon as the accident happened. (It is a very small town and there are plenty of guys that are trained as volunteer firemen and paramedics.) One young was really shook up when he came into the store, after the emergency crews showed up, to wash the blood off his shaking hands.. He couldn't have been more than 20, a former volunteer fireman that was in town visiting his girlfriend.

Both drivers lived and there were no passengers in either vehicle. I simple mistake of running a red light on a 40 mph highway that could have been worse.

I realised that I felt helpless. I wanted to run out and help. How? I don't know. There were plenty of people who knew what to do out there at the scene. I didn't want to be a nuisance so I kept my distance.

The rest of my shift was a blur.

Life is short. So very, very short.

It can end or altar drastically in an instant.

I am NOT where I want to be at this moment in my life. That is a fact.

I have found several "reasons" why I am only making baby steps to get to where I want to be. Those are excuses!

Some of the reasons are legitimate, but too many of them are from my ego, myself and my fears getting in the way.

One legitimate one is my financial situation. It sucks! (As my daughter would say.) Yet, I know that it will improve and I will HAVE TO start taking larger strides in the direction that I want to travel.

There is a plan forming in my head. It starts at Yule. I should have my internet back up by then (it will be going off in a few days of this posting) and I will be sharing my experiences with you. I will try very hard to do this daily. It's something that I haphazardly started on Summer Solstice and I have to confess I haven't been as ardent as I should have been.

Mama Moon and Me
Transforming ones life is no easy task, but time is short...Life is short...too short!

From now till Yule I will be studying my minuscule witchy library and coming up with tasks for me to do to better myself and my life.

There is way too much of life that I have yet to live.

Changes will occur. (I am not comfortable with change!)

The road will fork from time to time.

But I have faith!

After all...Life Is Too Short... for me to let it pass me by.

I owe it my children...

...I owe it to myself!

Life is too short...

Time To Live!

Blessings and Love

Monday, November 28, 2011

"I am where I am because of the choices I made"

It's such a simple sentence in structure, yet the meaning that it conveys is massive. It's a quote that I return to time and time again. I usually conjure it up when my life gets tough.

I am where I am because of the choices I have made.

Such simple truth. I wrote that years ago when my divorce was at it's worst and I almost lost my children the first time.

Things are tough again. My son has to ask his wrestling teammates if any of them have some old wrestling shoes so that he can participate. There won't be a month's salary for me because the state has decided to garnish 100% of my "disposable" income. We won't have Internet or cell phones in a couple of weeks. We barely have food in the house. Hubby's next check will have to cover rent with not much left over.

I could go on and on with the woes, but it gets so depressing. I realise that I have allowed all this to happen, in fact, I asked for it!

I am where I am because of the choices I made.

I can do a few things to alleviate some of the stress. We'll be visiting the local food pantry in the morning and while we have phones and Internet, I will apply for food assistance from the state. (Yes, I am actually admitting to this!)

A teammate has offered my son his old wrestling shoes, if he can find them. I won't ask my son to give up wrestling because it has given him some motivation to continue to improve his grades and himself. As soon as we can afford to, we will be buying him some shoes for wrestling that will fit him.

No paychecks for a could be worse I could have no job and no paychecks, besides this will pay off the state tax commission and it will be one less bill to worry about afterwards.

Yes, things are very dismal right now, but I haven't given up hope nor lost faith. I have no one else to blame for the way that things have gotten. I take full responsibility for the hardships that we are going through, because I wasn't as responsible as I should have been.

I am where I am because of the choices I made.

That being said about the present, what about the future?

I am where I am because of the choices I made.

The choices that I make now will effect the path my life will take. I refuse to wallow in self pity, but I acknowledge the mistakes that I have made and will work to make appropriate decisions at the crucial time.

I am where I am because of the choices I made.

It is a simple fact,  not an excuse to give up. It states that I am responsible for my life and my actions. It is no one else's fault but my own, if my life isn't what or where I want it to be. It is a recognition of a divergence of what/where I would prefer my life to be and what/where it actually is at this present moment. It is a reference that my life could, can, and will change if when I choose to change the present course that I am on.

I am where I am because of the choices I made.

Blessings and Love

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Make Choices, Not Excuses

I haven't blogged in several days and I haven't posted any new videos on YouTube in a couple of weeks.  It's very easy to make valid sounding excuses for not doing either, but it really comes down to choice.

I made the choice not to do either.

Life is about choices, not excuses.

You have to choose to do.

There are times that I feel inadequate when I read other blogs or watch other videos, but I chose to start doing a blog (and vlogging) to overcome my shyness and those feelings of inadequacy. I do enjoy putting my thoughts out into the world, because it gives me a chance to learn who I am and to express that succinctly.

Everyone comes across those moments when they can either do or back down. Most of the time backing down comes from fear. Fear of rejection. Fear of inadequacies. Fear of being seen/heard.

I know, understand and embrace that I fear. I also realise that I need to overcome those fears. It isn't an easy road to "choose to do", but it is one that I have to travel to be true to myself.

Like my hubby likes to say, "Excuses are like assholes. Everybody has at least one." :-)

Excuses are just a chicken shit way of avoiding something that makes us uncomfortable. The problem is that in order to experience life you have to put yourself in some uncomfortable situations. If you aren't willing to get out of your comfort zone than you will never know what you may accomplish.

The worst that can happen with my blogs is that no one will read them. So what. At least I am making an effort to put my words out there and if nothing else it's a good way for me to practice my spelling, punctuation and grammar. :-) (I am pretty bad at all three!)

The one thing that I have noticed about choosing to start a blog and doing videos, is that it does boost my self confidence and sets a good example for my kiddos.They know that I am choosing to put myself in an uncomfortable situation. It shows them that it's ok to get out of your comfort zone.

I choose to face my fears.

I choose to express who I am.

I choose to put myself out there.

I choose to do.

There are still several things that I want to do. I can't at the moment. I won't make excuses for not doing them. I have made the choice to postpone doing them. I have also made the choice that as soon as I can, they will happen. 

Is there something that you want to do? Something that you keep making excuses not to? face your fears and admit, even if only to yourself, why you haven't done them and make the choice to find a way to accomplish what you would like to do.

"Stop making excuses and just do it"--Nike T-shirt

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Lesson Learned!

I was organizing my few witchy supplies yesterday when I came across a small bag that I had forgotten about. Of course it would be at the very back of a high shelf. A simple little plastic bag with a reddish-brownish powder in it. It was simply labeled "banishing" in marker on the bag.

I opened it up and it still smells so good! I could almost see the spell that I cast and I remember that the powder worked very, very, very well! I hunted through my BOS, but I couldn't find the recipe nor the spell!

It was maybe four years ago that I made it. It still smells great and it is still "alive". Being as old as it possibly is, I was very surprised to feel the energies that were still coming off the powder, and it is really bugging me that I can't remember what is in it!

So I transferred the powder into a small glass jar and labeled it "My Banishing Powder". I don't want to get rid of it, besides I was meant to find this! (Makes me wonder what is about to happen or what is going on that I cannot "see"?)

I have cleaned out my BOS since and I am wondering if I possibly threw the recipe away, if I simply didn't write it down or if it's in my "to go through" box. It is really, really bugging me.

I learned a lesson...Keep Records!

No matter how much of a hurry you may be in...Keep Notes!

Any time you do a spell or ritual, especially if you do one off the top of your head...Make Notes!

Record what you are doing in some form or another. Be "old fashioned" by writing notes or use technology to record yourself on video or even just an audio recording. Which ever method you use, be sure to explain (with as much detail as possible) what you are using, saying, doing and why.

Keep your magickal records as neat and orderly as possible. Be sure to place them in a secure place and that they are clearly labeled. Even if all you have is a pile of ragged notes in a shoebox, try to arrange them in some order and label them.

Keep notes, records, videos, recordings and keep them organized!

Well I am off to organize my "to go through" box!

Blessings and Love

Monday, November 14, 2011


I used to Hate this Time of the Month!

I used to Dread It.

Loath My Body during That Time.

Hated the Pain and the Mess.

How Iinconvenient My Body could be at times.

Now I am Learning to Embrace that part of My Body's Cycle.

Even the Unpleasantness of It: Mood Swings, Cramping, Bloating, Cravings, Lack of Energy.

I am Learning to Cope with My Self in ways that I was Never Taught How!

I will Teach my Daughter and Any Other Young Woman who Wishes to Know...

This IS Natural!

Do Not Fear!

Do Not Loath!

Accept It.

Work With It.

This IS Proof that You are Unique...

You Are Powerful...

You Are Strong...

You Are Beautiful...

You Are Woman...


Blessings and Love

Friday, November 11, 2011


Today has been a busy day so far and I still need to get ready for work, but I wanted to make sure that I got something down on my blog today to honor the Veterans and all the energies in the air.

We still have some Full Moon Energies and with today's date...oh wow!!! Any magicks worked today will be so strongly blessed!

Veteran's Memorial in Emmett, ID
First off: THANK YOU to my family, friends, and all the other men and women that have served or still serve our country during times of war. On this Veteran's Day be sure to show love and appreciation to those who have chosen, or were enlisted, to wear a uniform to protect our country and our freedoms.

Please do not forget to remember and thank those that never will or have yet to make it home!

Here's some quick information on the "number of the day":

11 is a power number and is considered the "Master Number" by many numerologists. It signifies new beginnings, rebirth, compassion, tolerance,  inspiration, intuition.

11 itself is a masculine number, but adding them begets a feminine energy (1+1=2) and with three 11's in today's date makes it a strong day for feminine energies. A day of peace, love, compassion, awareness, cooperation and healing is available for the world.

We are also on the brink of entering the 11th House of Aquarius. This zodiac sign rules philanthropy, humanitarianism, idealism, technology, and nonconformity. So much potential for all of us is opening up today and in the future.

Embrace this day of remembrance and open up to the energies coming into play!

Blessings and Love

P.S. There is a movement called Global Pause for Peace that is "asking spiritual communities around the world to gather in ritual, prayer and meditation to harness today's harmonious energy and raise the global vibration".

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Esbat Nov. 2011: A Simple Explanation

November's Full Moon--Snow Moon.

According to the The Meaning of Our Moon post in the Magickal Winds Articles blog, November's Full Moon is for "Plan for a ritual to work on ridding yourself of negative thoughts and vibrations."

Very fitting for what I have planned today! But first a simple explanation of what I will be doing.

First the mundane--Cleaning house! My rituals and spell workings seem to go a lot smoother and have better results if my house is cleaned up. After all "Chaos breeds chaos"! So I will bring some order to my home first. If time is an issue, a quick cleaning of the "work space" will suffice. I like to have music going that will stay on during the whole process.

Active meditation--When I clean house is when I meditate. I have a difficult time sitting quietly for extended periods of time and getting my mind to let go, yet when I clean (especially when I wash dishes by hand) my mind very easily slips into that meditative mode. But, I will be meditating with a purpose before a spell/ritual. I will focus my mind on my goal and allow myself to be guided on what items are needed and what should be done for my planned spell/ritual, this also helps to get me into the correct mindset.

Next the cleansing--Being a Full Moon, I want to tap into the energies that Mama Moon is graciously willing to bless us with. I will be clearing and cleansing my whole house first. How to cleanse is varied. I explained one of the ways that I do cleansings in a video on YouTube. Find  that works for you. Once again, if there isn't enough time a quick cleansing will work.

Gathering and preparing--Gathering all the materials needed and preparing the space to be used is crucial part. When you take the time to prepare the space where you will be working and to prepare everything that you will use, it gives you a chance to double check and make sure that everything you will need is at hand, nothing is forgotten and any last minute ideas can be added in as well. Don't forget to prepare a small snack for after!

Double check--And triple check too! Please take the time to do this step! Stopping in the middle of a spell or ritual to go and grab the whatever you forgot can interrupt the flow of energies and prevent the spell/ritual from reaching it's full potential. Workings can and will go badly if your concentration is interrupted!

Cleansing and preparing self--If time allows take a shower or bath with the purpose of cleaning and cleansing yourself of negative energies. For a quick cleansing: ground and center yourself, feel any negativity leaving you and going down into the Earth to be transformed into loving energy, ground and center again. Dressing up (or down) is an option. I usually just wear my everyday clothes since that is what is comfortable to me, but I do make sure that I am presentable and that my hair and teeth are brushed.

Making magick--Whether to do a full blown scripted ritual, complete with workings or to do a simple ceremony or even just a spell or two? The answer is up to you and depends on how much time you have available and how you're feeling. No matter the platform you choose to work in, the important thing to remember is that you relax and enjoy the moment. Mistakes are ok and laughter is permitted. Enjoy this blissful moment of communing with Diety.

Afterwards--Relax and breathe! Take a few moments to clean up, put away, dispose of anything, take offerings outside. Then sit and relax with a light snack of carbs and a glass of water to help ground and recharge you, and take notes on the spell/ritual. Do an activity is soothing to the mind (ex: take a walk, read a book, have a glass of wine, watch a comedy, etc), something that will gently bring you back to the everyday world.

That's the simplest way to explain what I do. It can get as elaborate or simple as you want it to be, just keep in mind how much time you have and how you feel.

 Time is ticking away, so I will go and practice what I just "preached"!

Have a wonderful Esbat, however you celebrate it!

Blessings and Love

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Life Quizes and Change

Universe has been giving me some serious "clues" that a Change was coming. I wasn't aware at first about what was coming, but I could feel the energies of Change growing around me.

When Change is about to take place, my energies falter, my shields weaken and I become more susceptible to the energies and emotions around me. It's almost as if my Inner-Self is preparing for the bombardment of energy shifts that are coming. Like a track runner at the starting line, tensing up and preparing for when the starting gun goes off.

It isn't a depression, but pretty darn close. When depression hits, I just want to hide from the world. Disappear from all my responsibilities and an urge to do nothing. This is what I call The Calm, the calm before the storm. You know it's coming, you can see and feel it, but a calmness is between you and The Storm of Change. Everything seems to slow down, as you make preperations for the onslaught coming your way.

I usually get a lot of "hints" from Universe about Changes. My biggest problem is that I haven't relearned to trust my Intuition. But Universe is prepared for that and it isn't always nice about it.

If the "hints" that Universe is sending you aren't quite making sense, then Universe will throw "tests" at you. These "tests" are more like "pop quizzes" (Remember those!). No preparation, no warning, just a BAM! and life smacks you a good one...or two...or more.

These Life Quizzes are not meant for you to feel like "life's not fair" or "why does this always happen to me". They are thrown at you to show you just how much you have grown in your spirituality. How "strong" you have become. It is Universe's way of pushing you to your limits so that you will see that you can get out of your comfort zone.

Life Quizzes test your faith (it happens no matter what religion you follow), the sincerity in the Path that you have chosen to walk through life.

To use myself as an example: I am a follower of Goddess and God and I will live a complacent life and know that they will give me all I need to live.

That is not how it works! You do not sit idly by and wait for anything you need and or want to fall into your lap by the grace of Universe.

Every day I have to show them that not only am I their follower, but I am their child. I do not blindly follow their "leadership", but work with them to provide what I need to live. I have to work at bringing    insert desire or need here   into my life.

Every day I have to express that Lady and Lord are a part of Me and I AM a part of Them. I have to love and respect My Self as I Am, as much as I love and respect Them!

In Buddhist philosophy--life is about suffering, enlightenment is about the ending of suffering.

Life Quizzes can and will cause suffering to some degree. It may be a mild annoyance or it could be a heartache of some kind. Just realise that it is not about Universe being cruel, it IS about Universe showing you your strengths.

It IS about YOU ARE what YOU BELIEVE YOU ARE! It isn't to test your faith in your Diety, but to test your faith in YOU!

So when Universe throws down a Life Quiz, know that you will pass and embrace the Change that follows!


Blessings and Love

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Forgiving Myself

Trying to find a balance with the 10 Zen Precepts, the 13 Principles of Wiccan Belief, and some of my own personal truths is turning out to be easier than I thought it could be, as there are many similarities between them. All of the Precepts feel true to me by one degree or another, but they should not be taken at face value. There is a depth to those simple sentences that when studied, meditated on and absorbed that is very profound.

I will be delving into only one of the Precepts in this post, since it was the one that hit me the hardest when I had listened to the Infinite Smile podcast. The 9th Precept--Do not harbor anger.

At first listening to the podcast, it made so much sense that harboring anger towards others is detrimental towards spiritual growth.

There are several individuals that I still hold anger towards even though years have gone by on some incidents.  I started realising that I had to start letting those resentments go. My mind started whirling different thoughts on ways that I could work on those issues, both magickally and mundane. It was just so many ideas hitting me all at once, until one thought stopped me in my tracks and brought tears to my eyes...

...the world stopped...

For only a few seconds, but my life flashed before me...

...and one thought stood uppermost in my mind...

...How can I forgive other people...When I haven't forgiven...myself?

Now mind you I was at work at the time, and for a good 5 minutes not one customer came through the doors and the phones did not ring in that time either, thank the Mother.

It was such an epiphany! On of those that will change my life, if I let it.

It won't be easy, because many of the mental and emotional scars run very deep. I have to forgive myself for things that I have done and things that were done to me. I have to face my inner daemons even more deeply than I ever have. I have faced my Darkness Within but I had never forgiven Her/Myself. I have accepted and acknowledged Her/Myself, but I had never told her those three simple words..."I am sorry".

I have wondered many times why these last couple of years I have felt like I was going nowhere spiritually. My magickal and mundane life has been at a standstill and it was driving me nuts!

Now I know.

Now once again, during the first full moon after the Witch's New Year, I will call on my Darkness Within. It will be a daunting task. I will have to open my heart, mind and soul to all the deepest pains that I have experienced and face the pains that I have caused others.

I won't lie...I am very, very scared!

I find myself saying the very first witch prayer that I wrote and the words have more meaning to me now as I ready myself for the journey that I am about to take...

Lady grant me strength, grant me wisdom, grant me power.
Lord grant me love, grant me prosperity, grant me protection.

Blessings and Love

Monday, November 07, 2011

10 Zen Precepts

I was listening to one of my favorite podcasts at work the other day and it really made me think. The podcast is Infinite Smile. It is a Buddhist podcast that I enjoy and it has taught me so much about the Path that I am following.

In the latest episode, Michael McAlister talks about "Do No Harm" as a theme in the Zen Precepts and how we can use it change our lives and the awakening within. He stays very real on how these 10 Precepts can be used as guides in the mundane situations of our lives.He uses an extremely personal event to illustrate on the uses of these guides.
The 10 Zen Precepts are:
  1. Do not kill.
  2. Do not steal.
  3. Do not abuse or misuse sexuality.
  4. Do not lie.
  5. Do not abuse intoxicants
  6. Do not put others down.
  7. Do not praise self at the expense of others.
  8. Do not let greed control you.
  9. Do not harbor anger.
  10. Do not diminishing the Higher Self. 
They are all very profound ways of looking and living life. You do not have to blindly follow them as they are guides, precepts not commandments. You need to be very open on how these precepts fit into your life in a very realistic way.

I am trying to fit them into my life and I will explain how I view each of these precepts and how I try to fit them into my mundane and magickal life. There are occasions where the precepts can be argued as to how deep to follow them, but you need to be fully aware, fully conscious of why you are walking into the "grey areas" of the precepts.

If you choose to not follow these precepts to the letter, the actions that you take should come from a place that is devoid of Anger, Hatred, Greed, and Delusion.

Read over the precepts how would you incorporate them and how would you argue how deeply to follow them?

Thursday, October 20, 2011

He Walks into Manhood

My oldest will be turning 16 in a few short days.

How the time flies!

I've been thinking on this alot. He is becoming the man that I know he can be, but there is still so much of the innocent young boy in him as well. I watch him with his friends and remember what it was like to watch him when he could barely crawl on the floor. I hear him talk and laugh and recall the first girggles and his first word.

He has gotten so big and so strong. Football has done him a world of good. It has built up his muscles and his self-confidence. He has found some good friends and kept some great friends along the way. 

It is so hard to type this out with all the tears falling from my eyes.

Letting go of your child's hand, knowing that he is fast approaching the time when he will walk into the world and you hope and pray that you have taught him all that he will need to know and thrive.

I am so proud of him and so scared for him.

We've got a couple of years left to work on a few more things, but I know that he will be the kind of man that any woman will be proud to walk next to. I know that he will make someone a good partner some day, hopefully not too soon.

I do want him to live a life. To experience life. To taste life. To enjoy life.

He will make mistakes along the way, and just like when he was young, I'll be there for him no matter what.

It's hard for a mother to let a child go...grow, but it is a part of life and he is part of my legacy to the world. He will do great things in his life. He may not become president of the US (but then again...) but he will accomplish something great, even if it is as simple as making someone else happy.

He has such a protective heart. He stood up to man, when he was just a child, to protect his mother. Not enough men will do that in this world.

With great pride I will watch him, from a distance, as he walks off to face what life has to give him. With courage, strength and fortitude he will step into manhood to forge his own Path in this life.

My little boy will soon be a man!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

US American Council of Witches Press Release

Press Release:

Newly Formed Group Defends Witchcraft Rights And Beliefs

The United States is a nation whose very foundation, the Bill of Rights, guarantees its citizens freedom of religious beliefs. Yet those citizens with beliefs that fall well outside of Christianity are often misunderstood and persecuted. There seems to be a rising voice in American politics that non-Christian beliefs are somehow less valid than Christian beliefs. One arena where we have seen this is the attack on our President by those claiming he is Muslim, which they appear to believe invalidates his ability to lead our nation. Another arena is such outspoken organizations as David Barton's Wallbuilders, who advocate a Federal acceptance that the Unites States is a Christian nation.

In light of these attacks upon our basic religious freedoms, members of the community of Pagans, Wiccans, Witches, and other polytheists have united to re-form the American Council of Witches. First formed in 1973, the Council was a group of over seventy Witches and Pagans who drafted a set of principles outlining the common practices of Neopagan religions in North America. This statement was adopted by the Unites States Army for inclusion in their Religious Requirements and Practices of Certain Selected Groups: A Handbook for Chaplains in 1978.

Though the Council was disbanded in 1974, individuals who each follow a Pagan, Neopagan or Witchcraft Tradition feel it is time to reform the organization in order to achieve certain goals that were not addressed by the original council in the early Seventies. Among these goals are: to revise the original council's Thirteen Principles of Belief Common Among NeoPagans; to re-submit revisions to the United States Army Handbook for Chaplains; to provide government and law enforcement on Federal, State and County levels with information on NeoPagan beliefs and practices to be used in creating and upholding laws, allowing NeoPagans their Constitutional rights, and ministering to the beliefs of Pagan inmates.

The revised American Council Of Witches will be composed of Pagans,Wiccans, Witches and other NeoPagan practitioners from each of the fifty United States. We will engage in an interfaith dialogue to identify and address the legal and social needs of members of our religions, and we will create policy and documents as deemed necessary. And we hope to dialogue with members of other faiths to foster a basic understanding of our beliefs.

For information, interviews and membership, please contact:

American Council of Witches Reconvens

I am so thrilled at this news! To know that an entity that took such a momentous, though too brief, step in Pagan history will be reconvening has me speechless!

The original council convened at a "Witchmeet" in Minneapolis, Minnesota on April 11-14, 1974. Some of the noteable members of the original Council of American Witches included: Carl Llewellyn Weschcke (acting Chairman, owner and president of Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd. ), Gavin Frost, Herman Slater, Isaac Bonewits, Oberon Zell-Ravenheart and Otter G'Zell along with over 70 representatives from the most prevelant Paths and Traditions of Neopagans at that time.

They assembled to gather information and draft a set of principles to "clarify...unify and define the many differing beliefs across the many paths and traditions prevalent in Neopaganism at that time, and to couteract misinformation, cultural stigma, stereotypes, and government lack of recognition." --Wikipedia
The principles that were assembled, became officially titled "Principles of Belief" and published in 1974, have since become known as the "The Thirteen Principles of Belief" and "The Thirteen Principles of Wiccan Belief". These beliefs are still used by many solitaries, covens and groups to this day.
In 1978 the Principles were included in the US Army's Handbook for Chaplains in the section on Wiccan Religion, under the direction of Rev. Dr. J. Gordon Melton (Director of the Institute for the Study of American Religion and editor of the Encyclopedia of American Religion.) This section has since been updated from it's original in the 80's and again in the 90's with the help of the COG (Covenant of the Goddess) and the Lady Liberty League.
Unfortunately, the American Council of Witches disbanded in 1974, due to inner termoil and irreconsilable differences among its members and their traditions.
According to the article that I read by Jason Pitzl-Waters in The Wild Hunt, an interview with Kenny Klien (Wiccan author and musician), the "new" US American Coucil of Witches will be contacting those individuals seen as "leaders" of the Pagan community. They are hoping to have thirteen major board members and possibly representatives from each of the US states. This would hopefully allow for representation of the major Paths, Traditions, Groups and various other "Non-Witch" Pagan Practices of our time.
The Three Primary Objectives of the Council will be:
  • The revising of the original statement  in the US Army Handbook for Chaplains.
  • The redrafting and updating of the original set of principles drafted by the first coucil in 1974.
  • The revising the original Principles of Belief.
The newly forming Council will include insight from some of the original members from the first coucil such as Oberon Zell and Phaedra Bonewits, widow of Isaac Bonewits, will also have input.

The resurrected US Council Of Witches is being led by Mz Kaye Berry. She is a "Spiritual Teacher, Seer, Occultist, Worker of Magick, Author, Philosopher" who lives in Illinoise. She has quite a history in the areas of the paranormal and spiritual. See her bio for more information.

The US American Council Of Witches has issued a press release on their FaceBook page.

You can contact the US American Council Of Witches at

I wish the US American Council Of Witches much luck as they attack this massive, historical leap of Faith.
Blessings and Love to All! ~Faye

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

13 Principles of Wiccan Belief

Posting in honor of the reconvening of the "American Council of Witches"! For more information read The Wild Hunt Article!

The 13 Principles of Wiccan Belief:

1. We practice rites to attune ourselves with the natural rhythm of life forces marked by the phases of the Moon and the seasonal Quarters and Cross Quarters.

2. We recognize that our intelligence gives us a unique responsibility toward our environment. We seek to live in harmony with nature in ecological balance offering fulfillment to life and consciousness within an evolutionary concept.

3. We acknowledge a depth of power far greater than that apparent to the average person. Because it is far greater than ordinary it is sometimes called ‘supernatural’, but we see it as lying within that which is naturally potential to all.

4. We conceive of the Creative Power in the universe as manifesting through polarity – as masculine and feminine – and that this same Creative Power lies in all people and functions through the interaction of the masculine and the feminine. We value neither above the other knowing each to be supportive of the other. We value sex as pleasure as the symbol and embodiment of life, and as one of the sources of energy used in magical practice and religious worship.

5. We recognize both outer worlds and inner, or psychological worlds sometimes known as the Spiritual World, the Collective Unconsciousness, the Inner Planes etc – and we see in the interaction of these two dimensions the basis for paranormal phenomena and magical exercises. We neglect neither dimension for the other, seeing both as necessary for our fulfillment.

6. We do not recognize any authoritarian hierarchy, but do honor those who teach, respect those who share their greater knowledge and wisdom, and acknowledge those who have courageously given of themselves in leadership.

7. We see religion, magick and wisdom in living as being united in the way one views the world and lives within it – a world view and philosophy of life which we identify as Witchcraft – the Wiccan Way.

8. Calling oneself ‘Witch’ does not make a Witch – but neither does heredity itself, nor the collecting of titles, degrees and initiations. A Witch seek to control the forces within her/himself that make life possible in order to live wisely and without harm to others and in harmony with nature.

9. We believe in the affirmation and fulfillment of life in a continuation of evolution and development of consciousness giving meaning to the Universe we know and our personal role within it.

10.Our only animosity towards Christianity, or towards any other religion or philosophy of life, is to the extent that its institutions have claimed to be ‘the only way’ and have sought to deny freedom to others and to suppress other ways of religious practice and belief.

11. As American Witches, we are not threatened by debates on the history of the craft, the origins of various terms, the legitimacy of various aspects of different traditions. We are concerned with our present and our future.

12.We do not accept the concept of absolute evil, nor do we worship any entity known as ‘Satan’ or ‘the Devil’ as defined by Christian tradition. We do not seek power through the suffering of others, nor accept that personal benefit can be derived only by denial to another.

13.We believe that we should seek within Nature that which is contributory to our health and well-being.

("Council of American Witches" Chairman Carl Llewellyn Weschcke

Over 70 members from many of the paths and traditions prevalent in 1973 convened in Minneapolis that autumn forming the "Council of American Witches" and nominating Weschcke as chairman. By April of 1974 the council had come up with loosely accepted list of general principles that Weschcke used as a basis for writing "The 13 Principles of Wiccan Belief".

The council disbanded shortly after.

Due to Weschcke's efforts, these principles were incorporated into the "Chaplains Handbook" for use in the U.S. Army.)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

It Rained Last Night.

The puddle below my back steps.
Sweetly pattering across the roof. Pleasantly plunking into puddles outside the backdoor, left open to catch the smell of Mother's rain cleansing the Earth.

The gently, forceful, relaxing sound of a storm seemed to over shadow the usual sounds of my queendom at night. My hubby snoring gently on the sofa besides me, the t.v. usual incessant blabbering, the shushing of the washing machine, the dryer plinking along (found a nickle in it later!)...all were as nothing to Mother's gentle tears.

As usual I had remained awake while the barely controlled chaos in the house had quieted to snores, whimpers, and whispers of dreams. I love the night, especially when it rains.

My mind is at it's keenest as the quietness of the Witching Hour approaches and it drives my hubby crazy!

My thoughts bouncing from one idea, concept, plan to another, like the raindrops that were plunking onto the barbecuer.

I thought of the book that's been dancing along the peripheries of my mind and realised that it had a friend. I thought of the season and what it corresponded to and how fitting it was that we should have rainfall now. I thought of my life and came to the conclusion that I had to put Autumn's correspondences into play.

I vaguely remember a lesson from an English class back in high school (many, many, many, many moons ago), where we were taught that rain in stories is a cleansing, a rebirth, a coming clean of the action and/or character...very befitting for me last night...a cleansing, a rebirth, a coming clean...

I knew I loved the rain for a reason!

So I awoke bright and refreshed, so like the world outside my front door is. So full of sunshine and potential...

I'll grab my pointed hat and broom and ride this magickal currant full of wondrous ideas...don't worry I'll bring you along if you'd like!

Blessings and Love to All!

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Confessions of a Pagan Soccer Mom: Giveaway (Old World Witchcraft by Raven Grimassi)

I have a lot of respect for anyone who can find the time to write, blog, keep up with social networking, work (whether from home or not), keep a house, run a family and make it look so easy! I am finding out just how hard this all is!

One such person is Mrs. B from Confessions of a Pagan Soccer Mom. Her blog is full of useful information for any domestic person, witchy or non. The woman seems to have such poise and balance in all aspects of her life. I feel like I'm kinda stumbling along next to her. :-)

If you get a chance, please check out her blog:!

Right now Mrs. B is in the process of having a giveaway (which is one of the reasons that I am making this post!). The link to her giveaway is: Confessions of a Pagan Soccer Mom: Giveaway: Old World Witchcraft by Raven Grimassi.

Raven Grimassi is a wonderful author, who wrote seven books on the subjects of Wicca and Witchcraft, as a practice and the history of. He has been a teacher and practitioner of the Old Ways for several decades and has been initiated into several traditions of Wicca although his first training , I believe, was in Stregheria. For more information on Raven Grimassi and his work, please check out his site at

All of Grimassi's books are very useful to anyone new to or experienced in the Path.

Blessings and Love to All, Faye

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Depression, I want a Divorce

Depression has been a constant companion in my life. A comfortable old friend that has constantly encouraged me to rest at Her side. She has been an almost life-long companion. Our relationship has been a comfortable one, but not a productive one.

I need to end this relationship.
The problem with my relationship with my friend is that I give Her all of my time and attention when She is around at the exclusion of my family, my friends and even myself. In a good relationship, both parties should grow, not one whither and one thrive.

She encourages me to sit quietly and silently at Her side. To just relax and let the World pass me by. She encourages me to silently accept Her and to not let anyone know that She is there.

Quiet moments are good for the heart and mind. Rest and relaxation are essential for the health and well-being of the body and mind, but too much of either is not a good thing.

Breaking away from this relationship will not be easy. She will not go away quietly. She will kick and scream. She will dig Her claws into my mind and say all those phrases that have always held sway with me...but I will be the strong one this time...I WILL be the dominant one...I WILL win, for I know without my weakness, time and attention She will lose strength, whither and cease to have a hold on me.

I know that She will never go away. She will lurk in the shadows and bid her time hoping that I will give in to Her seductive call.

I am grateful for those things She has taught me. To sit quietly and reflect on my life, but I will no longer neglect the other aspects of my life for Her.

I will let Her go. Divorce myself from Her!

It will be a sad farewell for me, I can admit. I will be losing a part of myself.

The space that she occupied will be filled with something more positive. I cannot leave that space empty, like I have done in the past, for She will try to weasel Her way back in. (It is a mistake that I have done in the past!)

Do not be afraid to truly see Your Self!
That Space will be filled with a new relationship. I will insert a new friendship. It will be an uncomfortable first, but like any relationship worth having, it will blossom!

I will seek a relationship with My Self. That Self that I wish/want/desire to be.

Having a relationship with Self can be very awkward. I know this Self, but I have never sought out Her attention. She is strong, vibrant. She is love and wisdom. She is gentleness, yet with conviction. She has courage. She is Mother and Goddess. She is lover and friend.

She is My Self...She is Me!

Blessings and Love, Faye

Thursday, September 15, 2011

On a Personal Note...

I wanted to take the time to tell everyone that I have a wonderful husband.

He has been supportive of every endevor that I have chosen to take on.

He has been an inspiration to me and our children. He has been a great dad, even though the kiddos drive him nuts! He was willing to take on a ready-made family that is barely controled chaos!

Our marriage may not be the perfect marriage, but it is perfect to us!

Now that I have embarassed the man...



With lots of Love, Faye

Feelings of Uggghhhh and the Mind!!!

I'm sick today...

No, I am not...

Yes, I am....


I DO NOT have the TIME to be sick!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Harvest Moon

I hope everyone had a wonderful Harvest Moon celebration. I know I did. :-)

It was very simple and very moving. It was just the moon and me! No tools...nothing but me and the Moon.

It was a very refreshing experience. How many of you can let go of all the complexity of a ritual and just do one with nothing else but yourself?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Celebrate Life, Not Death

A child's first experience with death is usually with a family pet. No matter how large or small the creature the pain that a child will feel is immeasurable. It is a very hard transition for a child to go through, but it is a natural cycle of life.

Just recently my daughter's pet rat, Mamma, got ill. My daughter(age 13) was very heartbroken at the idea of Mamma passing away. Mamma will not be the first pet that my daughter will have experienced death with, but none the less there is still considerable heartache for my daughter.

So we talked.

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Keeping a Journal

I'm going to sound like a lot of authors that I have read as I continue to study my Path...keep a journal on everything mundane and magical in your life.

 The reason that I am bringing this up is because it is a lesson that I need to learn myself. I am getting better about it, but it is a work in progress.

You know how it goes... Did I use the gold candle for the good prosperity spell or the green? Did I call on Bacchus or Pan before the last kegger that went so well? Was it the sandalwood incense or the rose oil that helped me really relax during that awesome meditation three weeks ago?

Even our mundane world needs the attention... Who had the last play date at their house? Is it my turn to bring the snacks for the class party? Hey, honey, when did we buy the dish washer, I need to check if the warranty is still good?

Welcome Back

I would like to welcome you and myself back to my blog. It went by another name before, but I find the new name very fitting than the previous one.

Faye is part of my birth name and it is also my "other" name. You are more than welcome to call me Faye. I do not use the terms Lady, Priestess, or High Priestess as I do not feel that I have earned either of them nor have been given them.

I added on Dark Moon on one of my visits with my Dark Side. She is amazingly powerful and she scares the heck out of me. We are learning to coexist in the same body and are gradually working on becoming one, instead separate sides of the same person. I love her and I respect her.

I decided to use Cauldron as part of the title for this blog to explain in one word what it will be about. It will be a "melting pot" of a blog. It will contain random thoughts, poetry, photography, essays and real life experiences.

I really like my original introduction! even after all these years it still rings very true. I will be leaving up my old posts as a way for me to measure how much I have grown mentally.

Well I will keep this reintroduction short and once again I want to welcome us both back!

Blessings and Love to all!